Family Law Legislation and Rules Update


Discussion about recently enacted Family Law Legislation and Rules, including Kayden’s Law, the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act and recent changes in Domestic Relations Rules.  Also, there will be a discussion of pending Legislation, including the Uniform Parentage Act and Bill that would radically alter the Divorce Code.

NOTE:  There will be a meeting of the NCBA Family Law Committee following the one-hour CLE at which time Atty. Boyd will discuss membership in the PBA’s Family Law Section and how you may qualify to join the section without cost for the first year.  This meeting is open to anyone who would like to attend and is anticipated to take approx. 1/2 hour.

1 Substantive CLE Credit

11:30 PM – Lunch is served

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – CLE Program

The fee includes lunch, handouts, and CLE Fees.

SKU: N/A Category:

This class will be held at the NCBA Office.

Deadline to Register:  Wednesday, February 26, 2025

1 Substantive CLE Credit

Presented by:  Melissa Boyd, Esq., Chair, PBA Family Law Section, and Jessica Moyer, Esq.