2025 Dues Installment Payment Schedule

Admitted to PracticeAnnual DuesInstallment I
Due 1/31/25
Installment II
Due 3/31/25
Installment III
Due 7/31/25
On or before 10/07/21$585.00$335.00$125.00$125.00
On or after 9/20/24$180.00$60.00$60.00$60.00

2025 Dues Installment Payment Schedule--GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES**

Admitted to PracticeAnnual DuesInstallment I
Due 1/31/25
Installment II
Due 3/31/25
Installment III
Due 7/31/25
On or before 10/07/21$518.00$268.00$125.00$125.00
On or after 09/20/24$180.00$60.00$60.00$60.00

**A government attorney is defined as an attorney who is employed full time by a state, federal or local government agency and is not a contractual employee.

PLEASE NOTE: The last installment of your total annual membership dues MUST be received by July 31st.

The Pennsylvania Bar Association Board of Governors and the House of Delegates unanimously passed on November 22, 2002, a new plan for Statewide Bar Associations to collect membership dues. The Pennsylvania Bar Association Membership Development Committee recommended the new dues plan so members would not lose access to benefits if dues were not paid in a timely fashion. Under the new plan, PBA members will be dropped from membership if payment in full is not received by July 31st.

Members are advised that membership dues also include an annual subscription (Value = $75.00) to the Northampton County Reporter.

NOTE: Membership dues in the Northampton County Bar Association are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes. However, such dues may be deductible as a business expense except to the extent outlined in the following sentences: Since payment of Northampton County Bar Association dues includes Pennsylvania Bar Association dues, the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 disallows deductions for lobbying expenses of Associations. The Pennsylvania Bar Association estimates that five (5) per cent of the dues payments WILL NOT be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expense because of PBA’s lobbying activities n behalf of its members. Annual dues include PBA dues as follows:

Admitted to PracticePBA Dues PBA Dues (Government Employees)
On or before 10/07/21$335.00$268.00
10/08/21-10/07/22$268.00 (80%)$215.00 (80%)
10/08/22-10/07/23$201.00 (60%)$161.00 (60%)
10/08/23-09/19/24$134.00 (40%)$108.00 (40%)
On or after 09/20/24*$0.00$0.00
* 1st year PBA Membership dues are free.