Bob Dylan and the Art of Taking Legal Ethics Seriously
This event has ended
April 12, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
SPEAKER: PROFESSOR RANDY LEE Teaches Constitutional Law, Professional Responsibility, Torts and various writing and advocacy courses at Widener University Commonwealth Law School
Monday, April 12, 2021
12:00 p.m.
1-Hour Ethics Credit
“You don`t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows,” and lawyers don`t need an eclectic singer/song-writer to tell them how to do their job — or do they? Bob Dylan has been cited by more courts and law journals than any other poet of his generation, and his lyrics have even been quoted by the United States Supreme Court and the Harvard Law Review. Consider why in this program as Professor Randy Lee reflects on the light Dylan`s life and lyrics shed on understanding client expectations, navigating lawyer roles, and fulfilling our “special responsibility for the quality of justice.”
$ 25 – NCBA Members admitted to practice before 11/1/15 & all BALC Members
$ 20 – NCBA Members admitted to practice on or after 11/1/15
$ 40 – All other attorney attendees
Registration is required and may be completed online at the Northampton County Bar Association website:
Materials, Online CLE Attendance Form and login information will be emailed to you the morning of the program.